The Dangers of Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding Teeth

We frequently associate dental issues with gum recession and tooth damage; however, another cause is not spoken about enough: teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Many people grind or clench their teeth, either consciously or unconsciously, most often as they sleep or due to stress. This blog will explain the consequences of teeth grinding, which can be severe and have a long-lasting impact, as well as treatments.

Jaw disorders

Bruxism affects the joint and muscle structure of the jaw, leading to discomfort and pain, and can cause temporomandibular disorders (TMD). TMD results in intense facial, neck, and shoulder discomfort, making chewing, talking, or even opening the mouth painful.

Tooth damage

The repetitive grinding motion removes the tooth’s surface and enamel, increasing tooth sensitivity. It also raises the possibility of cavities, damaging fillings, crowns, or bridges, causing teeth to become loose, and even chipping or cracking teeth.

Gum recession

The excessive force from teeth grinding can displace and loosen teeth, creating pockets where bacteria can enter and cause gums to recede. Gum recession increases the risk of gum disease and sensitivity, in addition to aesthetic concerns.


Bruxism can trigger headaches and facial pain as the muscles that control jaw movements are interconnected with those in the head or neck due to stress and pressure from grinding.


As bruxism has less of a surgery approach as a solution, there is a range of effective solutions to help treat and stop grinding your teeth. Many of these ways are affordable, attainable and successful when visiting your dentist.

Some treatments include:

  • Medication
  • Night Guard
  • Behaviour Changes

Moreover, even while teeth grinding on occasion may not have any immediate implications, the continuous act can generate severe dental and jaw issues. If you or someone you know is experiencing bruxism problems, contact us today for an evaluation and guidance on preventative measures and treatment.

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