What Are Early Signs Of Dental Trouble?

early signs of dental trouble, What Are Early Signs Of Dental Trouble?

Your oral health is just as crucial as your general health, and recognising early signs of dental trouble can help you prevent any issues or infections from worsening and maintain a healthy smile. Identifying these issues and taking prompt action can prevent the problem from escalating. In this blog, we’ll explore the early signs of dental issues that you should be aware of to help make you aware of what may be happening to you.


Tooth Ache and Tooth Sensitivity:

One of the most common early signs of dental trouble is toothache or sensitivity. From gum recession to a cracked tooth or worn-down enamel, there are a range of oral health issues that could be present. Moreover, experiencing pain when you’re chewing can indicate potential cracked teeth, cavities, or problems with fillings or crowns. Ignoring these signs can lead to an increase in the severity of your dental problem, including cavities.


Tooth Decay:

Acid produced from plaque builds on your teeth, and combined with the sugars and other foods, it attacks the enamel. This can then cause pain, leading to problems such as dental caries, gum disease, or cavities.


Bleeding Gums:

Healthy gums should be pink, firm to the touch, and not bleed, especially when you brush or floss. Bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis (an early sign of gum disease), and if left untreated, this can progress to periodontitis (a more severe form of gum disease).


Bad Breath:

Bad breath, known as halitosis, is something that no one wants and can indicate an underlying issue. This can be caused by poor oral hygiene, gum disease, cavities, bacteria on the tongue, or infections in the mouth. Ensure you are booking regular appointments with your dentist to help identify the source of bad breath.


Stained Teeth:

It’s not just smoking or specific foods or beverages that stain teeth; it’s also poor dental hygiene. Addressing tooth discolouration early can help treat it and prevent it from becoming harder to treat. Tooth whitening at home or professionally, or using whitening rinses, is a great way to treat this.


Swollen Jaw / Face:

Swelling in your jaw or face while suffering from pain can be a sign of an infection. If you are experiencing swelling along with pain, contact your dentist as soon as possible to identify any issues, identify possible infections, and prevent them from spreading.


Loose Teeth:

If you notice that your teeth are becoming loose or are shifting, consult your dentist as soon as you can, as this may be a sign of gum disease or other dental issues.


Mouth Sores/Lesions:

Mouth sores, lesions, or ulcers may be difficult to heal and can be painful. Typically, if your mouth sores last longer than two weeks, ensure you visit your dentist or healthcare professional, as they could be signs of a serious condition.


Regular dental check-ups can assist you in identifying any dental trouble before they escalate into more severe issues. If you notice or are experiencing any of these signs, be sure to contact your dentist or a healthcare professional, and if you or someone you know is searching for a new dentist, contact us today to book an appointment with our experienced and friendly team!