Braces Or Invisalign: Which Is Better?

Braces or Invisalign, Braces Or Invisalign: Which Is Better?

Have you reached the stage where you want to achieve the beautiful, straight smile you’ve always wanted, but are not sure which is the right option for you? Don’t worry, we understand the struggle, and to help you, our blog explores the differences between traditional braces and Invisalign to help you make an informed decision that suits your needs and lifestyle.


All About Braces:

Braces have been a traditional form of teeth straightening for orthodontics for decades, consisting of brackets and wires permanently fixated to your teeth. The braces will not be removed until the end of your treatment and will need tightening by your orthodontist during your appointment. While having a proven track record of success, braces are a reliable solution to solving a variety of orthodontist issues, such as:

  • Crooked Teeth
  • Gapped Teeth
  • Rotated Teeth
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite


All About Invisalign:

Invisalign is a brand of clear aligners that consists of a series of removable, clear, and custom-fitted aligners to correct crooked teeth. You will need to wear the retainer for up to 22 hours of the day, with each retainer replaced by a different retainer at set intervals to gradually move teeth. The number of aligners needed depends on the severity of each case, but most people use between 20 and 30 aligners. Made out of BPA-free and medical-grade thermoplastic polymers, Invisalign is created by a 3D scan of the individual’s mouth, solving these issues:

  • Crooked Teeth
  • Small-Gapped Teeth
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Cross Bite
  • Open Bite

Moreover, Invisalign aligners are removable, offering the freedom to enjoy your favourite foods without the constraints that come with braces. You can also maintain your oral hygiene routine with ease, as you simply remove the aligners for brushing and flossing. Invisalign provides an excellent option for those seeking effective, aesthetic, and comfortable orthodontic treatment.


Treatment Time:

Braces –

Traditional braces are permanently attached to your teeth, with the treatment lasting from 12 months to 2 and a half years, with this being extended in more severe cases.

Invisalign –

In general, Invisalign’s treatment time is typically faster than braces due to the type of force Invisalign has on your teeth. Usually, it takes 6 to 18 months for Invisalign to straighten your teeth.



Braces –

In the UK, Braces are covered by the NHS if you’re under the age of 18 and if your orthodontist feels you need them. Typically, this treatment is not available for adults; however, it may be approved depending on the case and if it’s needed for health reasons. Choosing to have dentists privately, however, may cost between £1,500 and £3,000, depending on the severity of your teeth.

Invisalign –

Unfortunately, Invisalign is not a service under the NHS and has to be booked privately through a dentist. Invisalign treatment costs between £1,500 – £5,500, and similar to braces, the cost of your treatment is dependent on the severity and complexity of your issues.



Braces –

When you have braces, ensuring you’re keeping your braces clean is vital. Alongside brushing twice a day, you will also need to use brace cleaners in between each of your brace gaps. Avoiding sticky or hard foods is also a must to keep your. braces clean, and ensure you won’t break them.

Invisalign –

You will have to brush and clean your teeth after every meal to ensure your retainers stay clean and hygienic. Furthermore, you will also have to introduce flossing to your dental routine to ensure your teeth are bacteria and cavity-free.



Braces –

Some tend to avoid braces as the metal will be displayed when you speak, which some find unattractive. However, individuals can customise their braces with a variety of colours added in between the metal to add a pop of colour.

Moreover, there are specific foods and beverages to avoid, such as anything sticky, hard, or carbonated. These items can make braces harder to clean and may damage the brace or stain the teeth when congested.

Traditional braces are also known to cause discomfort and slight pain once attached to your teeth, or when your braces are tightened. This is something to keep in mind when deciding which treatment is most suitable for you.

During your treatment, you will need to visit your orthodontist every 4 to 10 weeks for check-ups and brace tightening.

Invisalign –

Invisalign retainers are virtually invisible, perfect for patients seeking a more discreet treatment. Additionally, the retainers are removable and more comfortable than traditional braces, allowing you to eat and drink as normal. Despite this, there are still some foods and beverages to avoid; for example, anything pigmented like coffee, wine, or berries.
The downside of having removable retainers is that the effectiveness of the treatment depends on how long you wear them. Ideally, the retainers should be worn for 20–22 hours a day to ensure your treatment goes according to plan. You will need to visit every 6–8 weeks for your dentist to check on your progress.


Post Treatment:

Braces –

Once your braces come off, you will need to wear retainers to keep your teeth in proper alignment for the future. For at least a year, you will need to wear the braces nightly; after that, you will be able to shift to every other night.

Invisalign –

After your treatment, you will also need to wear retainers for 22 hours a day for the first 6 months. After 6 months, which may be longer depending on the individual, your dentist will evaluate the stability of your teeth. If your teeth are stable, you won’t need to wear your retainers as much and can reduce the number of hours you wear them.


The decision between braces and Invisalign depends on your unique circumstances as well as your personal preferences. Your dentist is one of the best resources to use when understanding your teeth-straightening options. If you’re looking to find out more about the options we have at Owlsmoor, feel free to contact us today!