Flossing: The secret to a healthy smile

flossing, Flossing: The secret to a healthy smile

As we age, we increasingly get told about the importance of brushing; however, we don’t often get told about how flossing is essential for oral hygiene. Research shows that flossing can reduce up to 80% of interdental plaque, tackling those hard-to-reach spots between your teeth and leaving them sparkling and fresh. Using dental floss doesn’t just remove food particles; it also helps with a variety of dental issues, such as gum disease and gingivitis. In this blog, we will unveil the hidden power of flossing, why it’s so vital to your oral health, and common flossing mistakes.

Why flossing matters?

Your smile reflects your overall oral health, and the condition of your teeth and gums plays an essential role in this. Using floss allows you to get into the crevices between the teeth and in the gumline, which brushing alone can’t always do.

When do I floss?

It is recommended to floss daily, typically after meals, to help remove any food particles. Using floss before and after brushing is also common and helps you dislodge food particles and plaque thoroughly.

Benefits of flossing?

There are many benefits to flossing, including:

  • Improved gum health – aiding gum inflammation and gum disease
  • Reduced risk of cavities
  • Fresh breath
  • Removing food particles in between the teeth
  • Helps to remove plaque
  • Aids in the prevention of gingivitis

How to properly floss?

  • Choose the right floss – waxed, unwaxed, flavoured, or unflavored
  • Use enough—roughly around 45cm—and wind it around your middle fingers, leaving a few inches to work with
  • Hold and manoeuvre – hold tightly between your thumb and forefinger, and gently guide it in a back and forth motion in between your teeth, as well as curving it around each tooth
  • Be gentle – you don’t want to be too forceful when using dental floss
  • Use clean sections – ensure you move to a clean section of the floss as you progress in flossing
  • Rinse after – using warm water or antimicrobial mouthwash

Common flossing mistakes:

Although it is a fairly easy task to complete, there are still many mistakes that could keep you from gaining a dazzling smile:

  • Not using floss regularly or daily
  • Rushing through flossing
  • Snapping the floss
  • Skipping the gumline
  • Using the same section repeatedly
  • Neglecting the back teeth and sides of the tooth
  • Flossing overly aggressively
  • Not flossing before bed

What are alternatives to using floss?

If using floss isn’t your thing, don’t worry, because there are multiple alternatives available. Similar results can occur from floss pickers, water flossers, or using an interdental brush.

In summary, flossing is not just a dental task; it’s a significant practice to carry out in your routine as well as brushing. Incorporating flossing into your routine can not only help prevent cavities and other dental issues but also help you achieve a radiant and healthy smile. If you or someone you know is experiencing issues with your teeth or would like some advice on using dental floss, please don’t hesitate to contact us!